We're Back and Stronger
Posted on October 07 2017

Well, we made it through the storm. Hurricane Maria hit St. Croix with ferocity and damaged many of our homes and businesses across the island. We are currently under curfew, and much of the island is without power, internet, or cell phone service. But, the St. Croix community is STRONG… and this isn’t our first Cat 5 storm. ;) We are all pulling up our sleeves, grabbing the brooms and shovels, and getting to the hard work of cleaning and rebuilding. Families are bunking together to share resources, neighbors are helping neighbors, and strangers are becoming quick friends. These are challenging times, but they are times for togetherness. We want to thank everyone for all of your prayers and support, it warms our hearts to see how much you care! We also want to thank all of the men and women in uniform working around the clock to helping rebuild and ensure the safety of our community.
We are happy to report that parts of Christiansted are now up and running with electricity and internet service. It feels good to start to see activity and business coming back to town. Nearby stores and restaurants are starting to open and serve patrons. Slowly but surely, we will come back STRONGER.
Crucian Gold will be open next week Monday through Saturday from 11am to 5pm. We anticipate extending our store hours as soon as the island-wide curfew permits.
The best way to reach us is through our cell phone: 340-244-2996.
You can continue to place your orders online at www.cruciangold.com. We anticipate being able to start mailing packages off island as soon as the post office re-opens. Please understand there may be delays with the processing and/or shipment of your order, however all of our packages are sent with insurance and mail tracking numbers. We will be back up and running full steam ahead in no time.
The support of Crucian Gold's #VISTRONG jewelry campaign has been amazing and has exceeded our expectations. With your help, we have raised over $11,000 that will be donated to the hurricane relief funds of the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands and the St. Croix Foundation!
And now we're pleased to introduce the newest additions to Crucian Gold's #VISTRONG Collection... the Sterling Silver Tag Pendant and Charm, and the much anticipated, Sterling Silver 5mm and 8mm Latching Style Bracelets!
The relief efforts have now extended to helping rebuild St. Croix and our neighboring islands after Hurricane Maria. We want to continue the #VISTRONG campaign, thus moving forward, we will donate the profits of each sale (less the cost of parts and labor) to ensure we can continue to keep the campaign going and continue helping rebuild our islands better and stronger.
You can check out updates and progress on the relief efforts led by the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands and the St. Croix Foundation through the Foundations' Facebook pages as well as their websites: www.cfvi.net and www